Saturday, July 15, 2006


After a better night's sleep I wake at 8:00. Coffee, bagel, make French Toast for Miles. Then a focused sitting; I visualize the day.

Start the laundry. Then outside to trim the hedges. I had hoped that Dan would get to this during the week, but distractions prevented this. The week ahead looks like weather will make this difficult, so I do it myself. Miles assists in cleanup.

Then, a long soak in the jacuzzi. Dan finally wakes up and the boys and I go out for Chinese food and food shopping. After putting away the groceries, I drive Dan to the Verizon store for a new phone (again!) and to pick up a friend who will sleep over. I drop the boys at the pool hall then back home I do some internet banking and play guitar for an hour. YGP repertoire speaks to me today; I look forward to hear what MB has managed to make of our recordings. We have tentative plans for tomorrow.

Pick up the boys, write this post. Now to make some noise with my bass. A good day.


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