Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Wednesday - Workday

A great weekend; saw Bill Bruford's Earthworks Friday night with Tim and Kevin. Great show, sitting right in front of the stage, in front of the house sound system, hearing the instruments directly. Amazing musicians all. After the show I purchased a DVD and 2 CD's and got them signed by Bill. Nice guy.

Saturday was busy; up early to drive Miles to Cartooning, then back home to pick up K for couples therapy. Good work; recommitment. Then a 2 hour nap, some guitar play, dress for dinner and the Strawbs acoustic trio at the Towne Crier. A big turnout; probably a sellout. They were great; vocal and instrumental interplay at a high level. Dave Cousins is a very charismatic frontman. Sitting next to a booby, though was a distraction.

Sunday was also an early rise for a 5th grade parent's meeting at church, then ushering and sound assist. Home to pick up Dan to go see "Borat". Very funny movie, an instant classic.
Tried to stay awake for for the Colts-Pats game, but fell asleep at halftime.

Work has been busy and stressful. But seems to be stablising.

Things at home are also stabilising. Now, to find time daily for sitting and guitar. A new commitment and challenge.


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