Friday, June 30, 2006

Friday - workday

Took the boys to work today. Had a great time, not really working. Took them for sushi lunch and a walk around Times Square.

Depart work at 5:00. Home to Miles' favorite Mexican restuarant. A good choice. Had a large Margurita with dinner. Dan drives us home.

While Dan is formulating plans for the evening, we have a long semi fight about going out every night. His plans eventually fall through, and I think we've reached some understanding. A fine line.

Dan and I watch some TV together, then to bed. A good day.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Thursday - workday

Forgot to mention that yesterday was a long day. I woke at 5:15, showered, dressed, sat and departed for my 8:00 therapy session. Then a full day of work. Got out during lunch to pick up Porcupine Tree/Projekct 6 tickets for October.

Watched some great stuff on channel 13 last night. First, an hour of Paul McCartney solo in Abbey Road studio, with an audience. Demonstarted some multitracking techniques, performed some new and old stuff, was in great spirits and voice. Very enjoyable. Then watched the first installment of the Bob Dylan biography "No Direction Home" directed by Martin Scoresese. Amazing. So I stayed up past midnight; I'm tired today.

Managed to wake with enough time for a sitting before departing for work today. Will deliver the Spanish Verizon spot today, and present my work on the pro-bono job.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

workday - Wednesday

Yesterday K was released from the hospital, finally. Had to take the day off from work to pick her up and drive her to the rehab, outside of Albany; about 2 1/2 hours from home. After stopping for lunch we arrived at about 2:30. At 5:30, she was admitted and we said goodbye - for how long, I'm no sure. Hopefully, my health insurance will cover her for a full 30 days. We'll see. Now, life should settle down for a while.

Things are slowing down at work. The latest Verizon spot delivered yesterday, in my absence. Now all that's left is the Spanish version, which delivers tomorrow, and continued work on the pro-bono job, the "fill in the cracks" project that has been hanging around for about 3 weeks.

Managed to find time for sittings the past few days. Something said at the Al-Anon meeting I attended Sunday resonated about this, acted as a reminder of necessity. Feels right, at the right time. Also, I've had my guitar in my hands every day. Sunday I had 2 hours of uninterupted practice. Also necessary.

Presently, I aim to post to this blog daily.

Sunday, June 25, 2006


Tried to post a few days ago, but it got lost in cyberspace.

Things have settled down; K is now off IV anti-biotics and anti-virals. Still no absolute diagnosis. Likely Viral Meningitis. The plan is now to a 30 day rehab, hopefully to be trnasferred tomorrow or Tuesday.

School's out for the boys. Now, 2 weeks off before camp begins. Babysitter/driver/housekeeper/cook is arranged, between 2 very helpful people. A blessing.

Work is also settling down. One Verizon spot delivered on Friday, the other is in good shape. I have an assistant/protege at work now. I am assuming a more director of visual effects role, overseeing others doing the grunt work.

I'll post again soon

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Thursday - workday

Almost 10 days since my last post. Unbelievable drama. K is now out of ICU, transferred to the medical side, with possible viral or bacterial Meningitis! Or some kind of stroke! Or a combination. I'm faced with unmovable, uncaring burocracy, and gross incompetance. But we're at their mercy, so I hoope and pray for the best. It was touch and go this weekend, through Tuesday, and now the Neurologist and the Infectuous Desease Specialist is involved, but still not definitave answers. Where is doctor House when you need him.

Also dealing with dramas at home; babysitters to schedule, a 16 year old doing typical 16 year old things. Plus, work has been extremely busy, nothing new. Spend Wed, Thurs and Friday on aa shoot for Verizon in NJ. 20 hour days, 2 of them in torrential rains.

Scratched out 2 hours od guitar playing on Sunday, outside in the backyard. A beautiful day, no one around. A life preserver.

I am thankful for good friends, understanding supervisors, GC, CUC, etc. I really know I am not alone, and there is help available.

Now, back to our regularly scheduled program "Never a Dull Moment".

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Tuesday - workday

No posts for a few days. Life is unbelievably full; K in the hospital, a Verizon shoot in NJ this week, end of the school year for the boys, K's mother passed away on Sunday.

I'm not sure if I will be able to post much in the next few days. If I can I will.