Friday, September 29, 2006

Friday - workday

Another relatively slow week at work. The calm before the storm. Got storyboards for 3 Verizon spots that deliver the 2nd week of October.

Looking forward to a good, long weekend (Monday is Yom Kippur). Last weekend was good. A meeting with Mark; working on new music was great. Feeling very positive about this. Necessary.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Friday - workday

Frustrating week at work. Picking up projects from a co-worker whose wife had a baby on Wednesday. He thinks and executes differently than I do. Also I felt disrespected when dealing with 2007 vacation/personal days/early out scheduling. I have to look at my reaction to this. Distrubing.

Feeling good about many things. K is doing well; the boys are sliding right where they need to be in school; music is moving forward with MB. I downloaded Tabledit's demo version and tabbed out the new theme at work, from memory. Looking forward to working on this and other new ideas on Saturday.

Oh, and tomorrow K and I have a date!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Wednesday - workday

Very tired. Yesterday was a long day, ending with a wonderful concert of Jeff Beck at the Hammerstein Ballroom. Home by 11:30, asleep by 1:00 AM. up at 5:00 and into my therapy session by 8:00. Great session; as crisis mode fades we can do some real personal work.

I aim to have awareness and presence. I noticed an absence in the crowd around me at the show last night. I do not choose to live my life so clueless.

Today we ship the latest Verizon spot. Next, a lull. Just at the right time.

Sunday, September 10, 2006


A busy week of work followed by a full and enjoyable weekend.

Lots of progress on the current Verizon spot. Now it's mostly in our CG department's hands. Hopefully I won't be too late to the Jeff Beck show on Tuesday.

Began working again on new music with Mark. The right thing at the right time.

Home to burgers on the grill with the family. Thought about eating outside, but then it clouds up very quickly and sprinkles for a few minutes. So we eat inside. Good times with the boys.

Out to the HVFG. Small audience; the featured artist and his wife and a first timer. Mark asks me to begin the open mic. Played 3 pieces, felt relaxed. Later played 3 YGP pieces with Mark.

Out for a few drinks and Calamari after cleaning up. Good conversation; a good friend.

Today up early to get ready for church. Good to be back from the summer. I have a sense that a new year has truly begun.

Miles and I go food shopping. Then we have a catch and also play Badminton. A beautiful day. Lots of laughs and good conversations. Miles reminds me of me in so many ways it's scary.

Chinese/Japanese take out for dinner, then I go out to a meeting. Now to relax and root for the Giants.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Monday - Labor Day

No more procliamations of how often to post. I'll post when I post. But, I aim to post often, what ever often is.

Very busy at work; 2 Verizon spots to deliver this week, another to continue working on.. Supervised a shoot in Hicksville, NY that did not go so smoothly, but it's OK.

Things with K are much, much better. Since she's off all medications she seems to be back; her old self. Headaches are under control. A new hope. Very positive feelings about our future.

A good weekend ends. Saturday I had private time with both boys, then time with K. Yesterday the family went to NYC; Met Museum, Central Park and then a great Thai dinner. Home to jacuzzi and then more time with K. I could get used to this. I think I will.

Today we returned the Bernardini's Gecko. Good to see Mark, catch up. We 'll begin some music soon, maybe even next weekend. The time is right.